Amenities + Services
Your luxury beachfront
stay includes:
Daily housekeeping
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Air conditioned bedrooms
Laptop-size security box
Purified water & Ice maker
Television Fire Sticks
Washing machine available
Moondance Keepsake
Complimentary Welcome Basket
Neighborhood Security
Introduction to Chef/Masseuse/Etc.
We're here to help
Our Moondance Team is managed by Nathan and Clare.
They have over 10 years experience managing private villas for homeowners and vacationists.
From your first inquiry until your check out, Nathan and Clare will be your vacation guides.
As they like to say, "Advice is Free" so ask away about dining plans, beaches, and excursions.
On site, you will meet Fiona, our Head Housekeeper. She has a sweet smile and unobtrusive manner.
You may meet Ellie, who assists Fiona, during busy periods. And no doubt, on the grounds you'll meet Zutty, our Property Caretaker. He's truly a jack of all trades knowing plants, plumbing and painting.
Moondance lies within the Galleon Beach neighborhood which has a gated entrance.
You may see our security personnel which have both a daytime and nighttime presence.
Our Moondance Staff is an essential part of the top-notch quality of service & attention to detail which ensures your effortless, comfortable & secure stay with us.
We hope your only concern is when can you vacation again at Moondance Antigua